About my practice

I believe the body and mind is inseparable; our physical, bodily patterns are the container, thus the reflection of our emotional patterns. Through the physical practice on our mat, we seek to understand our emotional landscapes; in resolution of mind and body, we then seek to connect to spirit.

The form of movement practiced in my classes is predominantly Forrest Yoga, created by Ana T. Forrest. With long-held poses, a focus on core stability and emotional intents, we seek to strengthen the connection of mind and body through the 4 main guiding principles: Breath, Integrity, Strength and Spirit.


For those seeking to deepen their mind-body connection or seeking relief from specific, somatic concerns I offer 90 minute, 1-1 bodywork sessions.

Sessions are bespoke, and generally inspect the following areas:

  • Patterning of breath

  • Attitudes to rest

  • Underactive parts

  • Overactive parts

Bodywork sessions look to build awareness, and guide the mind to meet the body as it is, and develop tools to be free of patterns that constrict or create pain. Curious? Get in touch.


It begins with the ability to connect to, deepen, and ride the breath into your inner wilderness; developing skill in breathing fresh, healing energy into the areas of your body that are in need.


Classes teaches you to become proficient at safely tailoring each pose to work for you, specifically with physical and emotional injuries. By learning to work honestly at your edges, you develop effective tools to deal with fear and struggle. This makes it possible for integrity, self-awareness and playful curiosity to become part of your daily life.


Connecting to the core, building emotional and physical strength as you work at your edges of facing and healing your pain - in a safe, supportive environment.


Learning to find and connect to your Spirit - and take the actions that strengthen the connection.